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Revision resources & support for the Year 2 & Year 6 SATs
Read a blog from an experienced Year 6 teacher on how to best support children in the run up to Year 6 SATs.
Read a blog on the key takeaways from the DfE Reading Framework, including guidance on SATs preparation.
Read a blog on why reading fluency is so important for SATs success.
Share this parent-friendly guide to SATs, including how parents can help their children at home.
SATs workbooks in key areas of English and maths for test practice in school or at home.
Test practice questions to help pupils succeed in KS1 and KS2 maths SATs.
Unlimited practise in the main maths topics covered in the national tests.
Read a blog on how ELS Spelling makes the vast spelling requirements in the Year 2 National Curriculum for England achievable.
Easy-to-use structured spelling lessons for Year 2/ Primary 3.
Share this parent-friendly guide to KS1 SATs, including how parents can help their children at home.
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