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Number Sense Maths

Number Sense Maths

Develop number sense and factual fluency for all children

We’re delighted that Number Sense Maths is now part of the Oxford family of primary maths resources. Number Sense Maths provides three teaching programmes and associated training to develop the number sense and factual fluency of your children from Early Years to KS2 and beyond.

Early Years Number Sense


Builds a deep understanding of quantity and of numbers to 10, supports the EYFS framework


Number Facts Fluency

For KS1
and beyond

Builds fluency in addition & subtraction facts, and confidence and flexibility with number


Times Tables Fluency

For KS2
and beyond

Builds fluency in multiplication & division facts, and understanding of multiplicative relationships


Getting to know Number Sense Maths is as easy as 1, 2, 3 …

1. Watch the video

Watch a short introductory video to understand the Number Sense Maths approach.

2. Sign up for a free introductory training session

Find out more and ask the creators of Number Sense Maths any questions.

3. Try it out

Sign up for free membership to access sample teaching guidance and resources.

Find out more on the
Number Sense Maths website

Number Sense Maths