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Building fluency through Reading for Pleasure

You've got phonics sorted. Now use Readerful to turn all children into fluent, motivated readers. We know that keeping children reading is as important as teaching them how to read. That’s why here at Oxford we’ve created Readerful – so that reading for pleasure isn't left to chance.

Readerful is a ready-made, flexible reading spine for your whole school, providing the best books for reading aloud and independent reading. There’s no strict reading order, no teaching programme to learn. Just a rich, linked library of inclusive, age-appropriate books designed to boost fluency, knowledge, vocabulary and motivation. With this series, you’ll comfortably meet the DfE’s Reading Framework (July 2023).

All books are underpinned by Oxford Reading Levels to ensure children are reading books with the right level of support or challenge to build confidence and develop comprehension skills.

  • Books for sharing – a collection of over 40 picture books has been specifically designed for reading aloud.
  • Independent library for reading fluency – over 100 new books for independent reading from Years 2-6/P2-7, designed to captivate every child and build fluency.
  • Readerful Rise – high interest, low reading level decodable books for 7 to 11 year old struggling older readers.
  • Readerful Online – supports your teaching with Books for Sharing eBooks, CPD videos, classroom resources and more.

Books for SharingReaderful Rise

Readerful virtual author visits

  • Would you like Ali Sparkes, Isabel Thomas and Joseph Coelho to virtually visit your school? We've asked three Readerful authors to join us in putting together a package of fun content that can be used to get your class engaged in shared reading sessions. Access for free today!
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