Read Write Inc. | Revision | KS2 Spelling

Catapult for KS3/11-14s:  resources for lower-attaining secondary students


Boosting KS3 lower-attaining students' key skills to help them catch up

Catapult has been developed to support students who are below expected standards at the start of secondary school. Targeting four key areas and using age-appropriate texts, Catapult provides students with a solid base on which they can develop their vocabulary, reading and writing skills and approach their examinations with confidence.


  • Print and digital resources focus on four key areas - building vocabulary, developing knowledge and understanding, improving reading habits and sustaining writing
  • Guidance for planning engaging and accessible lessons and monitoring progression
  • Plenty of practice opportunities to test student understanding through workbooks and interactive quizzes and assessments
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Series contains:

2 Kerboodle Books plus Resources

2 Student Books

2 Workbooks

2 Teacher Books


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Refresh - reignite - renew

Supporting teaching and learning

Find out how Catapult supports you and your students throughout this period of change.

What does Catapult deliver?

Course guide

Take a look at the course guide which shows how all of the resources work together to support your lower-attaining students

Try, apply, consolidate

Watch this short film to find out more about Catapult's 3 step approach to learning

Developing 4 key areas

Building vocabulary, developing knowledge and understanding, improving reading habits and sustaining writing

Find out more

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