
Numicon helps children to use mathematical vocabulary to explain their mathematical thinking

Numicon Impact Study

Numicon helps children to use mathematical vocabulary to explain their mathematical thinking

Numicon Impact Study

A research study was commissioned to find out in more detail how teachers were using Numicon and how they perceived its impact on children's mathematical learning. The study found that of the 245 UK primary teachers who took part:

  • 97% of respondents agree or strongly agree that it helps pupils improve their use of mathematical language and vocabulary
  • 99% perceive that it helps children think and communicate mathematically
  • 98% report gains in developing fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills 
  • 69% of respondents perceive the Numicon apparatus to be very effective at helping pupils develop their mathematical communication and use of mathematical language 

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Read the previous Numicon Impact Study

Perceived to have a positive impact on children's mathematical learning

This research study was commissioned to find out in more detail how teachers were using Numicon and how they perceived its impact on children's mathematical learning.

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