Oxford Smart Quest

Oxford Smart Quest

Raise expectations, expand vocabularies and diversify your KS3 English curriculum

Quest takes teachers and students on an exciting journey through a wide range of diverse texts and themes designed to engage, motivate and excite the whole class. Developed with teachers and based on the latest research, Quest is the time-saving solution you’ve been looking for. The flexible range of online support includes quizzes, CPD, auto-marked assessments, next steps for each student and much more.

Join the teachers who are seeing Quest make a real impact in their schools. Sign up for a free taster and see how Quest can work for you.

Request a free taster of Quest > 

Your KS3 English adventure starts here:

  • Carefully selected, diverse texts and themes throughout
  • "The things that have impressed me the most are that it's very much a colourful, bright and vibrant resource, and also contains materials that pupils relate to, so pupils are becoming really passionate about the lessons taking place.”Thomas Hoole, English Teacher

  • Enables vocabulary and oracy development
  • “The biggest impact we’ve seen so far is students’ use of vocabulary. They aren’t just learning the definitions, but they are using the words in their writing as well.” Gaurav Dubay, Head of English

  • Time-saving with flexible online resources, lessons and auto-marked assessments
  • "I've loved Oxford Smart Quest because it's saved me so much time in planning. All of the resources are there and accessible online and ready to go. I've also loved how adaptable it is, I've been able to adapt it to lots of different classes and abilities.” Emily Harvey, English Teacher

  • Build on what students know and prepare effectively for GCSE
  • Quest reinforces and builds on what students know from Primary School and provides carefully sequenced building blocks towards GCSE

Oxford Smart Quest Curriculum Summary

Oxford Smart Quest Curriculum summary

Download an overview of the curriculum

This curriculum summary explores the intent and pillars behind the Oxford Smart Curriculum Service for English. You can also take a look at how it develops across the 3 years.

Find out more about the Kerboodle subscription

Oxford Smart Quest Kerboodle

Oxford Smart Quest English Language and Literature Kerboodle

Oxford Smart Quest Kerboodle seamlessly combines a coherent KS3 English curriculum, resources, assessment, next steps and CPD, saving teachers valuable time.

Oxford Smart Quest