Oxford International Programme

Inspiring the next generation of innovators and problem solvers

Future-focused foundations

Inspiring the next generation of innovators and problem solvers

We believe an education is more than academic learning, it is about engaging, encouraging and empowering our students with the mindset and skills that they need to face an ever-changing future with confidence.

Our comprehensive programme, for international students aged 2 to 14, is built on a foundation of holistic development, with wellbeing and future skills at the heart. Through an innovative curriculum, enquiry-based resources, accessible standardized assessments, and world-class professional development, your students will be fully prepared to take on their future… and more immediately, the next stage of their education, with solid foundations that will set them up perfectly for international GCSEs and A-levels.

Explore the Oxford International Programme

Oxford International Curriculum

Oxford International Curriculum

A new approach to teaching and learning

Oxford International Resources

Oxford International Resources

An enquiry-based programme for schools that teach in English

Oxford International Standardized Assessments

Oxford International Standardized Assessments

Digital assessments of English, English as a Second Language, Maths, and Science

OxfordAQA Qualifications

OxfordAQA Qualifications

Professional Development

Professional Development